  • 企业名称:汕头市澄海区众鑫工艺辅料店
  • 联系人:黄坚 
  • 电话:0754 85631288 
  • 传真:075485631288 
  • 邮箱 
  • 地址:广东 汕头市澄海区 澄海中心工艺玩具物料市场碧榕菀6号店面 
  • 纠错
澄海众鑫工艺辅料门市所属凤翔辅料厂公司(成立于1995年),位于有中国工艺玩具服装城之称的广东省汕头市澄海区,是一家专业生产销售圣诞节,情人节,丰收节,万圣节,复活节等西方节庆日礼品,饰品类工艺玩具配件的公司,现经营的辅料产品有上万种。汕头市澄海区众鑫工艺辅料店的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈。(质量信誉,客户利益上) Chenghai zhongxin process materials outlets subordinate fengxiang accessories factory company (founded in 1995), located in China's process toys as the city &qingdao chenghai district of guangdong province, is a professional production and sale of Christmas, the valentine's day, Halloween, Easter, harvest festival of western JieQingRi gifts, accessories kind of process toys, now of the parts of the business of the auxiliary materials products. Chenghai district of the xin process of complementary makings, honesty and trustworthiness, store strength and product quality for the industry's approval. Welcome all friends to visit and guide and business cooperation. (quality reputation first, customer benefits first)